Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy half birthday to meee!


I weigh 12 lbs, 5 oz and am 25 inches long. I'm only in the 2nd percentile for weight, but 38th for length! I think I have Dad's lanky body type. Surprisingly, I do fit in my 6 month clothes--Mommy was worried I wouldn't. I got so many adorable cute summertime clothes as gifts before I was born, and they do indeed fit me during this hot, sticky summer!
I am full of personality these days. My favorite thing to do these days is "squish." Some people would call it "smile," but Mom and Dad call it "squish" because of how I scrunch my eyes, nose, and cheeks up when I'm happy. I "squished" beautifully for my 6 month old pictures, taken yesterday. Mommy was worried that I'd cry like I did at 3 months and not make it through all the poses. Silly Mommy! I'm worlds away from where I was 3 months ago!

My world has been full of newness. First, food! A few weeks ago I started eating oatmeal. Somedays I like it, other days I'm not so sure, but I do like the spoons that are just for me. Yesterday Mommy mashed up a banana and added it to my cereal. And tonight I got a really delicious treat--a "puff", special baby cereal! Mmm, that was delish!
I'm also a pro at rolling over. My favorite place to do this is my crib, naturally! For some reason I get REALLY ticked if I land on my stomach. Oh, and the sleeping...I'm still giving Mommy a rough time ;). Mommy tries to let me "cry it out" when I wake up, and to Mommy's delight, I often turn it into "scream it out"!

Perhaps the biggest news is that I can sit!!! For just a few minutes at a time, but I've become a strong girl! I like to sit and reach for my toys.

I can't wait to see what the next 6 months will bring!

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