Yesterday marked the long-awaited departure of Elizabeth's umbilical cord stump (leaving a very adorable belly button, if I do say so myself!), so today we decided to do "tummy time" for the first time. I spread a big blanket out on the floor and put her on her tummy, figuring she'd hate it and wail.
Elizabeth fooled me, however, by loving it! (Well, I guess I can't really tell if she *loved* it, but she didn't wail!) She crunched up her little body and knew to rest her head on the side. She moved those little arms and legs back and forth, trying to figure out how to do it from that position, making her little grunts of concentration. She then turned her head to rest on the other side, and then held her head up for a couple seconds at a time!
It's incredible how much (very subtly) she is changing already. She seems just a little more alert and interactive each day. I just can't wait until she can smile and laugh and interact with us, but I must not wish away the precious moments we have right now. We're getting used to having this little peanut living in our house, and we can't wait to find out what more surprises she has in store!
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